Monday, November 30, 2015

94% Teenagers

94% by Scimob is well-known game for Androis and iPhone. We'd like to introduce you Android version. Isn't nice to have help when you're stuck into difficult level? SOme of them are tricky and not that obvious as it seems. Please, be welcome to use our answers and don't forget to like us!

94% Teenagers
35% Puberty
20% School
10% Phone
9% Young
7% Rebellious
5% Dating
4% Party
4% Sleep

94% Things at a bowling alley
31% Balls
23% Pins
16% Shoes
11% Lanes
6% Food
4% People
2% Drinks
1% Arcade

94% Red tie picture
33% Tie
20% Suit
17% Red
11% Man
6% Formal
4% Hand
3% Watch

94% Thing that can go wrong on holiday

94% by Scimob is well-known game for Androis and iPhone. We'd like to introduce you Android version. Isn't nice to have help when you're stuck into difficult level? SOme of them are tricky and not that obvious as it seems. Please, be welcome to use our answers and don't forget to like us!

94% Thing that can go wrong on holiday
23% Sickness
20% Weather
15% Get lost

14% Lose luggage
7% Miss flight
6% Get robbed
5% Sunburn
4% Injury

94% I'm proud of my...
59% Family
10% Self
6% Job
5% Friends
4% Education
3% Pet
3% Accomplishments
2% Body
2% Country

94% Knight picture
29% Knight
25% Sword
21% Armour
10% Fight
6% Crowd
3% Medieval

94% Spring

94% by Scimob is well-known game for Androis and iPhone. We'd like to introduce you Android version. Isn't nice to have help when you're stuck into difficult level? SOme of them are tricky and not that obvious as it seems. Please, be welcome to use our answers and don't forget to like us!

94% Spring
43% Flowers
13% Rain
11% Warm
8% Sun
7% Green
6% Easter
4% Season
2% Birds

94% A useful language
29% Spanish
25% French
15% Chinese
9% German
7% English
5% Italian
4% Japanese

94% Umbrella picture
35% Rain
32% Umbrella
20% Blue
7% Wet

94% Brunch

94% by Scimob is well-known game for Androis and iPhone. We'd like to introduce you Android version. Isn't nice to have help when you're stuck into difficult level? SOme of them are tricky and not that obvious as it seems. Please, be welcome to use our answers and don't forget to like us!

94% Brunch
31% Lunch
25% Breakfast
16% Eggs
6% Bacon
5% Late
4% Sunday
4% Friends
3% Pancakes

94% Autumn
51% Leaves

15% Cold
7% Halloween
6% Orange
3% Season
2% Thanksgiving
2% Sweaters
1% School

94% Laughing Clown picture
42% Clown
21% Scary
11% Funny
7% Red
5% Wig
5% Nose
3% Makeup

94% Something in a first aid kit

94% by Scimob is well-known game for Androis and iPhone. We'd like to introduce you Android version. Isn't nice to have help when you're stuck into difficult level? SOme of them are tricky and not that obvious as it seems. Please, be welcome to use our answers and don't forget to like us!

94% Something in a first aid kit
51% Bandage
12% Wipe
10% Gauze
6% Scossirs
5% Ontiment
5% Tape
5% Medicine

94% A synonym fo "intelligent"
45% Smart
12% Clever
10% Bright
7% Genius
7% Brainy
5% Wise
5% Brilliant
3% Knowledgeable

94% Boxing gloves picture
40% Boxing
26% Gloves
25% Red
3% Punch

Friday, November 20, 2015



  1. Angel + Air = Heavens
  2. Angel + Earth = Clay
  3. Angel + Clay or Golem = Human
  4. Angel + Fire = Sun
  5. Angel + Sun = Light
  6. Angel + Water = Sea
  7. Imp + Water = Alcohol
  8. Imp + Light = Darkness
  9. Imp + Sea = Swamp
  10. Imp + Swamp = Sulfur
  11. Imp + Sulfur = Gunpowder
  12. Imp + Air = Storm
  13. Imp + Clay = Golem
  14. Imp + Human = Corpse and Warrior
  15. Imp + Earth = Lava
  16. Imp + Fire or Lava = Inferno
  17. Imp + Sun = Radiation
  18. Imp + Radiation = Nuclear Bomb
  19. Angel + Radiation = Energy
  20. Angel + Energy = Electricity
  21. Angel + Lava = Stone
  22. Angel + Stone = Egg
  23. Angel + Egg = Bird
  24. Angel + Swamp = Grass
  25. Angel + Grass = Flower and Tree
  26. Angel + Tree = Forest
  27. Angel + Sulfur = Sand
  28. Angel + Sand = Beach
  29. Imp + Stone = Metal
  30. Imp + Egg = Dragon
  31. Imp + Bird = Phoenix
  32. Imp + Grass = Poison
  33. Imp + Dragon = Demon
  34. Imp + Forest = Treant
  35. Imp + Metal = Gold
  36. Angel + Dragon = Dinosaur
  37. Angel + Metal = Tools
  38. Angel + Dinosaur = Beast
  39. Angel + Beast = Domestic Animal
  40. Angel + Domestic Animal = Milk and Wool
  41. Angel + Wool = Clothing
  42. Imp + Domestic Animal = Blood and Beat
  43. Imp + Milk = Bacteria
  44. Imp + Tools = Weapon
  45. Imp + Bacteria = Virus
  46. Angel + Bacteria = Beetle
  47. Imp + Beetle = Scorpion
  48. Imp + Scorpion = Poison
  49. Imp + Blood = Vampire
  50. Imp + Beast = Werewolf
  1. Powietrze + Anioł = Niebiosa
  2. Ziemia + Znioł = Glina
  3. Glina + Anioł = Człowiek
  4. Ogień + Anioł = Słońce
  5. Anioł + Słońce = Światło
  6. Anioł + Woda = Morze
  7. Imp + Woda = Alkohol
  8. Imp + Światło = Mrok
  9. Imp + Morze = Bagno
  10. Imp + Bagno = Siarka
  11. Imp + Siarka = Proch strzelniczy
  12. Imp + Powietrze = Sztorm
  13. Imp + Glina = Golem
  14. Człowiek + Imp = Zwłoki + Wojownik
  15. Ziemia + Imp + Lawa
  16. Lawa + Imp = Piekło
  17. Słońce + Imp = Promieniowanie
  18. Promieniowanie + Imp = Bomba atomowa
  19. Promieniowanie + Anioł = Energia
  20. Energia + Anioł = Elektryczność
  21. Lawa + Anioł = Kamień
  22. Anioł + Kamień = Jajko
  23. Jajko + Anioł = Ptak
  24. Anioł + Bagno = Trawa
  25. Trawa + Anioł = Kwiat + Drzewo
  26. Anioł + Drzewo = Las
  27. Anioł + Siarka = Piasek
  28. Anioł + Piasek = Plaża
  29. Imp + Kamień = Metal
  30. Jajko + Imp = Smok
  31. Ptak + Imp = Feniks
  32. Trawa + Imp = Trucizna
  33. Smok + Imp = Demon
  34. Las + Imp = Treant + Treant + Treant
  35. Metal + Imp = Złoto
  36. Smok + Anioł = Dinozaur
  37. Metal + Anioł = Narzędzia
  38. Dinosaur + Anioł = Bestia
  39. Bestia + Anioł = Bydło
  40. Bydło + Anioł = Mleko + Wełna
  41. Anioł + Wełna = Ubranie
  42. Bydło + Imp = Krew + Mięso
  43. Mleko + Imp = Bakteria
  44. Imp + Narzędzia = Broń
  45. Bakteria + Imp = Wirus
  46. Bakteria + Anioł = Żuk
  47. Żuk + Imp = Skorpion
  48. Imp + Skorpion = Trucizna
  49. Krew + Imp = Wampir
  50. Bestia + Imp = Wilkołak


  1. Human + Sand = Gold
  2. Human + Stone = Flintstone
  3. Human + Water = Life
  4. Life + Sand = Scarab and Sun
  5. Life + Water = Fish
  6. Life + Stone = Egg
  7. Egg + Sand = Hawk
  8. Stone + Stone = Fire
  9. Fire + Human or Fire + Animal = Sacrifice
  10. Human + Sacrifice = Egyptian Priest
  11. Fire + Stone = Metal
  12. Human + Metal = Weapon
  13. Sand + Sand = Desert
  14. Desert + Water = Nile
  15. Nile + Sand = Swamp
  16. Egg + Swamp = Lizard
  17. Lizard + Nile = Crocodile
  18. Life + Nile = Fish and Reed
  19. Flintstone + Reed = Papyrus
  20. Desert + Human = Corpse
  21. Human + Sun = Pharoah
  22. Human + Nile = Field
  23. Field + Life = Best
  24. Human + Beast = Domestic Animal
  25. Human + Domestic Animal = Meat and Wool
  26. Human + Wool = Fabric
  27. Corpse + Fabric = Mummy
  28. Gold + Mummy = Sarcophagus
  29. Sand + Swamp = Clay
  30. Clay + Fire = Bricks
  31. Human + Bricks = House
  32. House + Beast = Cat
  33. Pharaoh + Hawk = Horus
  34. Pharaoh + Sun = Ra
  35. Pharaoh + House = Temple
  36. Pharaoh + Cat = Bastet
  37. Pharaoh + Crocodile = Sobek
  38. Pharaoh + Stone = Statue

  1. Człowiek + Piasek = Złoto
  2. Człowiek + Kamień = Krzemień
  3. Człowiek + Woda = Życie
  4. Życie + Piasek = Skarabeusz + Słońce
  5. Życie + Woda = Ryba
  6. Życie + Kamień = Jajko
  7. Jajko + Piasek = Jastrząb
  8. Kamień + Kamień = Ogień
  9. Ogień + Człowiek = Ofiara
  10. Człowiek + Ofiara = Kapłan
  11. Ogień + Kamień = Metal
  12. Człowiek + Metal = Broń
  13. Piasek + Piasek = Pustynia
  14. Pustynia + Woda = Nil
  15. Nil + Piasek = Bagno
  16. Jajko + Bagno = Jaszczurka
  17. Jaszczurka + Nil = Krokodyl
  18. Życie + Nil = Ryba + Trzcina
  19. Krzemień + Trzcina = Papirus
  20. Pustynia + Człowiek = Zwłoki
  21. Człowiek + Słońce = Faraon
  22. Człowiek + Nil = Pole
  23. Pole + Życie = Bestia
  24. Bestia + Człowiek = Bydło
  25. Człowiek + Bydło = Mięso + Wełna
  26. Człowiek + Wełna = Materiał
  27. Zwłoki + Materiał = Mumia
  28. Złoto + Mumia = Sarkofag
  29. Piasek + Bagno = Glina
  30. Glina + Ogień = Cegły
  31. Cegły + Człowiek = Dom
  32. Bestia + Dom = Kot
  33. Jastrząb + Faraon = Horus
  34. Faraon + Słońce = Ra
  35. Dom + Faraon = Świątynia
  36. Kot + Faraon = Bastet
  37. Krokodyl + Faraon = Sebek
  38. Faraon + Kamień = Posąg



  1. Fire + Energy = Plasma
  2. Plasma + Void = Sun
  3. Electricity + Knowledge = Semiconductor
  4. Energy + Semiconductor = Radio Wave + Laser
  5. Cart + Oil = Car
  6. Air + Earth = Dust
  7. Human + Money = Shopping
  8. Fabric + Human = Clothing
  9. Energy + Grass = Tea
  10. Knowledge + Paper = Book
  11. Air + Car = Airplane
  12. Clothing + Metal = Armor
  13. Glass + Void = Lightbulb
  14. Mechanism + Time = Clock
  15. Airplane + Void = Rocket
  16. Rocket + Weapon = Missile
  17. Knowledge + Life = DNA
  18. Lightbulb + Semiconductor = Vacuum Tube
  19. Electricity + Void = Radiowave
  1. Air + Freezer = Air Conditioner
  2. Fabric + Tea = Teabag
  3. Order + Work = Assembly Line
  4. Knowledge + Time = Theory of Relativity
  5. Fabric + Oil = Cellophane
  6. Dust + Void = Vacuum Cleaner
  7. Limestone + Oil = Crayons
  8. Clothing + Water = Washing Machine
  9. Air + Mechanism = Helicopter
  10. Air + Fabric = Zeppelin
  1. Clothing + Woman = Bra
  2. Knowledge + Metal = Stainless Steel
  3. Games + Knowledge = Crossword
  4. Armor + Car = Tank
  5. Air + Armor = Gas Mask
  6. Electricity + Bread = Toaster
  7. Knowledge + Human/Sin = Lie Detector
  8. Food + Life = Vitamin
  9.  Electricity + Neon = Neon Lamp
  10. Clothing + Mechanism = Zipper
  1. Medicine + Bacteria = Antibiotics
  2. Airplane + Radiowave = Radar
  3. Fabric + Glue = Bandaid
  4. Work + Mechanism = Robot
  5. Knowledge + Void = Big Bang Theory
  6. Glass + Sun = Sunglasses
  7. Food + Fun = Bubble Gum
  8. Car + Order = Traffic Lights
  9. Food + Freezer = Frozen Food
  10. Fun + Games = Yo-Yo
  1. Cellophane + Glue = Duct Tape
  2. Paper + Photo = Photocopier
  3. Music + Radiowave = FM Radio
  4. Mechanism/Time + Photo = Polaroid
  5. Fire + Mechanism = Jet Engine
  6. Radar + Void OR Knowledge + Radiowave = Radio Telescope
  7. Games + Money = Monopoly
  8. Shopping + Cart = Shopping Cart
  9. Car + Money = Parking Meter
  10. Knowledge + Magic = Software
  1. Firearm + Magic = AK-47
  2. Software + Transistor/Vacuum Tube = First Computer
  3. Gas Mask + Water = Aqualung
  4. Food + Radiowave = Microwave Oven
  5. Money + Shopping = Bar Code
  6. Plutonium + Plutonium/Weapon = Nuclear Bomb
  7. Missile + Weapon = Bazooka
  8. Energy + Plutonium = Nuclear Power Reactor
  9. Clothing + Sun = Bikini
  10. Electricity + Semiconductor = Transistor
  1. Airplane + Earth = Black Box
  2. Paper + Water = Liquid Paper
  3. Money + Debt = Credit Card
  4. Transistor + Transistor = Microchip
  5. Clock + Transistor/Semi-Conductor = Digital Clock
  6. Robot/Rocket + Void = Satellite
  7. Food + Time = Fast Food
  8. Electricity + Sun = Solar Cell
  9. Energy + Semiconductor = Laser
  10. Glue + Time = Super Glue
  1. Life + Photo = 3d Holography
  2. First Computer + Photo = Digital Photography
  3. Credit Card/Mechanism + Money = ATM
  4. Book + Software = Hypertext
  5. Human + Void/Rocket = Astronaut
  6. Armor + Fabric = Kevlar
  7. Cellophane + Music = Audio Casette
  8. Car + Void = Moon Lander
  9. First Computer + Games = Video Game
  10. First Computer + Video Game = Computer Mouse
  1. Phone + Radiowave = Cellphone
  2. Games/Video Game + Music = Karaoke
  3. Games + Puzzle = Copyright
  4. Microchip + Software = Microprocessor
  5. Digital Photography + Time/Life = Digital Camera
  6. First Computer + Micro-processor = Personal Computer
  7. Audio Cassette + Software / Cellphone + Software = Floppy Disk
  8. Astronaut/Satellite + Satellite = Space Station
  9. Car + Electricity = Hybrid Vehicle
  10. Music + Music = Stereo
  1. Mechanism + Medicine = Artificial Heart
  2. First Computer + First Computer = Internet
  3. Floppy Disk + Laser = CD
  4. Personal Computer + Software = MS-DOS
  5. DNA + Knowledge = DNA Fingerprinting
  6. Space Station/Satellite + Space Station = Modular Space Station
  7. Paper + Phone = Fax Machine
  8. Life + Video Game = Virtual Reality
  9. Book + Microchip = Flash Memory
  10. MS-DOS + Software = Windows
  1. CD + CD = DVD
  2. Rocket + Water = Sea Launch
  3. Radiowave/Knoweldge + Satellite = GPS
  4. Cellphone + Personal Computer = Smartphone
  5. Microchip + Music = MP3 Player
  6. Order + Personal Computer = USB
  7. Flash Memory + Book/Software = Memory Card
  8. Hypertext + Internet = WWW
  9. Plasma + TV = Plasma TV
  10. Digital Camera + Internet = Webcam


  1. Energia + Ogień = Plazma
  2. Plazma + Otchłań = Słońce
  3. Elektryczność + Wiedza = Półprzewodnik
  4. Energia + Półprzewodnik = Fala radiowa + Laser
  5. Wóz + Olej = Samochód
  6. Powietrze + Ziemia = Pył
  7. Człowiek + Pieniądze = Zakupy
  8. Materiał + Człowiek = Uranie
  9. Energia + Trawa = Herbata
  10. Wiedza + Papier = Książka
  11. Powietrze + Samochód = Samolot
  12. Ubranie + Metal = Zbroja
  13. Szkło + Otchłań = Żarówka
  14. Mechanizm + Czas = Zegar
  15. Samolot + Otchłań = Rakieta
  16. Rakieta + Broń = Pocisk
  17. Wiedza + Życie = DNA
  18. Żarówka + Półprzewodnik = Lampa elektronowa
  19. Elektyczność + Otchłań = Fala radiowa
Rok 1900
  1. Powietrze + Zamrażarka = Klimatyzacja
  2. Materiał + Herbata = Torebka herbaty
  3. Rozkaz + Praca = Linia montażowa
  4. Wiedza + Czas = Teoria względności
  5. Materiał + Olej = Celofan
  6. Pył + Otchłań = Odkurzacz
  7. Wapień + Olej = Kredki
  8. Ubranie + Woda = Pralka
  9. Powietrze + Mechanizm = Helikopter
  10. Powietrze + Materiał = Sterowiec
Rok 1910
  1. Ubranie + Kobieta = Biustonosz
  2. Wiedza + Metal = Stal nierdzewna
  3. Gry + Wiedza = Krzyżówka
  4. Zbroja + Samochód = Czołg
  5. Powietrze + Zbroja = Maska przeciwgazowa
  6. Chleb + Elektryczność = Toster
  7. Człowiek + Wiedza = Wykrywacz kłamstw
  8. Żywność + Życie = Witbmina
  9. Elektryczność + Neon = Jarzeniówka
  10. Ubranie + Mechanizm = Zamek błyskawiczny
Rok 1920
  1. Lekarstwo + Bakteria = Antybiotyki
  2. Samolot + Fala radiowa = Radar
  3. Materiał + Klej = Plaster
  4. Mechanizm + Praca = Robot
  5. Wiedza + Octhłań = Teoria Wielkiego Podrywu
  6. Szkło + Słońce = Okulary przeciwsłoneczne
  7. Żywność + Radość = Guma balonowa
  8. Samochód + Rozkaz =Sygnalizator świetlny
  9. Żywność + Zamrażarka = Mrożonki
  10. Radość + Gry = Yo-Yo
Rok 1930
  1. Celofan + Klej = Srebrna Taśma Klejąca
  2. Papier + Zdjęcie = Kserokopiarka
  3. Muzyka + Fala radiowa = Radio FM
  4. Mechanizm/Czas + Zdjęcie = Polaroid
  5. Ogień + Mechanizm = Silnik odrzutowy
  6. Radar + Otchłań lub Wiedza + Fala Radiowa = Radioteleskop
  7. Gry + Pieniądze = Monopol
  8. Wóz  Zakupy = Wózek na zakupy
  9. Samochód + Pieniądze = Parkometr
  10. Wiedza + Magia = Oprogramowanie
Rok 1940
  1. Broń palna + Magia = AK-47
  2. Oprogramowanie + Lampa elektronowa = Pierwszy komputer
  3. Maska przeciwgazowa + Woda = Akwalung
  4. Żywność + Fala Radiowa = Kuchenka mikrofalowa
  5. Pieniądze + Zakupy = Kod kreskowy
  6. Pluton + Broń = Broń Atomowa
  7. Pocisk + Broń = Bazooka
  8. Energia + Pluton = Reaktor atomowy
  9. Ubranie + Słońce = Bikini
  10. Elektrycznośc + Półprzewodnik = Tranzystor
Rok 1950
  1. Samolot + Ziemia = Czarna skrzynka
  2. Papier + Woda = Płynny Papier
  3. Dług + Pieniądze = Karta kredytowa
  4. Tranzystor + Tranzystor = Mikrochip
  5. Zegar + Tranzystor = Zegarek cyfrowy
  6. Robot + Otchłań = Satelita
  7. Żywność + Czas = Fast Food
  8. Elektryczność + Słońce = Ogniwo słoneczne
  9. Energia + Półprzewodnik = Laser + Fala radiowa
  10. Klej + Czas = Klej superwytrzymały
Rok 1960
  1. Życie + Zdjęcie = Holografia 3D
  2. Pierwszy komputer + Zdjęcie = Fotografia cyfrowa
  3. Karta Kredytowa + Pieniądze = Bankomat
  4. Książka + Oprogramowanie = Hipertekst
  5. Człowiek + Otchłań = Astronauta
  6. Zbroja + Materiał = Kevlar
  7. Celofan + Muzyka = Kaseta magnetofonowa
  8. Samochód + Otchłań = Lądownik kosmiczny
  9. Pierwszy komputer + Gry = Gry Video
  10. Gry Video + Pierwszy Komputer = Mysz Komputerowa
Rok 1970
  1. Telefon + Fala Radiowa = Telefon Komórkowy
  2. Gry + Muzyka = Karaoke
  3. Gry + Puzzle = Prawa Autorskie
  4. Mikrochip + Oprogramowanie = Mikroprocesor
  5. Fotografia cyfrowa + Czas = Aparat cyfrowy
  6. Pierwszy komputer + Mikroprocesor = Komputer
  7. Kaseta magnofonowa + Oprogramowanie = Dyskietka
  8. Satelita + Satelita = Stacja kosmiczna
  9. Samochód + Elektryczność = Pojazd hybrydowy
  10. Muzyka + Muzyka = Stereo
Rok 1980
  1. Mechanizm + Lekarstwo = Sztuczne serce
  2. Pierwszy komputer + Pierwszy komputer = Internet
  3. Dyskietka + Laser = CD
  4. Komputer + Oprogramowanie = MS-DOS
  5. DNA + Wiedza = Genetyczny odcisk palca
  6. Stacja Kosmiczna + Stacja Kosmiczna = Modułowa Stacja Kosmiczna
  7. Książka + Mikrochip = Pamięć Flash
  8. MS-DOS + Oprogramowanie = Windows
  9. Papier + telefon = Faks
  10. Życie  + Gry Wideo = Rzeczywostość wirtualna
Rok 1990
  1. CD + CD = DVD
  2. Rakieta + Woda = Sea launch
  3. Wiedza  + Satelita = GPS
  4. Telefon komórkowy + Komputer = Smartfon
  5. Mikrochip + Muzyka = Odtwarzacz MP3
  6. Rozkaz + Komputer = USB
  7. Książka + Pamięć Flash = Karta Pamięci
  8. Hipertekst + Internet = WWW
  9. Plasma + TV = Telewizor plazmowy
  10. Aparat cyfrowy + Internet = Kamera internetowa

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

94% A fictional form of transportation

94% by Scimob is well-known game for Androis and iPhone. We'd like to introduce you Android version. Isn't nice to have help when you're stuck into difficult level? SOme of them are tricky and not that obvious as it seems. Please, be welcome to use our answers and don't forget to like us!

94% A fictional form of transportation
20% Teleportation
15% Flying car
13% Hoverboard
11% Magic carpet
10% Time Machine
9% Broom
8% Dragon
8% Unicorn

94% Middle Ages
35% Knight
21% King
20% Castle
7% Sword
6% Plague
5% War

94% Colloseum picture
35% Rome
23% Old
18% Colosseum
8% Italy
7% Ruin
3% Gladiator

94% Marvel comics heroes

94% by Scimob is well-known game for Androis and iPhone. We'd like to introduce you Android version. Isn't nice to have help when you're stuck into difficult level? SOme of them are tricky and not that obvious as it seems. Please, be welcome to use our answers and don't forget to like us!

94% Marvel comics heroes
20% Iron Man
16% Hulk
15% Spider-Man
13% Captain America
11% Black Widow
10% Thor

94% It brings back memories
39% Photos
17% Music
11% Videos
10% Smells
6% Friends
4% Places
4% Family
3% Food

94% Rabbit in hat picture
30% Magic
26% Rabbit
18% Hat
12% Wand
8% Eggs

94% Seafood

94% by Scimob is well-known game for Androis and iPhone. We'd like to introduce you Android version. Isn't nice to have help when you're stuck into difficult level? SOme of them are tricky and not that obvious as it seems. Please, be welcome to use our answers and don't forget to like us!

94% Seafood
29% Fish
22% Shrimp
16% Crab
14% Lobster
3% Oyster
4% Squid
4% Clam
2% Octopus

94% Many people are allergic to it
40% Peanuts
14% Pollen
10% Bees
10% Dairy
9% Cats
6% Dust
5% Grass

94% Baby drinking milk picture
37% Baby
24% Bottle
22% Milk
7% Drink
4% Eyes

94% Shades of red

94% by Scimob is well-known game for Androis and iPhone. We'd like to introduce you Android version. Isn't nice to have help when you're stuck into difficult level? SOme of them are tricky and not that obvious as it seems. Please, be welcome to use our answers and don't forget to like us!

94% Shades of red
24% Maroon
18% Blood
11% Crimson
10% Scarlet
9% Rose
8% Burgundy
6% Ruby
5% Cherry
3% Fire

94% Animals that jumps or hop
36% Rabbit
32% Kangaroo
22% Frog
3% Grasshopper
1% Cricket

94% Walnuts picture
51% Walnut
19% Shell
14% Brown
10% Crack

94% Heart...

94% by Scimob is well-known game for Androis and iPhone. We'd like to introduce you Android version. Isn't nice to have help when you're stuck into difficult level? SOme of them are tricky and not that obvious as it seems. Please, be welcome to use our answers and don't forget to like us!

94% Heart...
30% Attack
22% Beat
19% Break
15% Ache
4% Felt
4% Burn

94% The beatles songs
29% Hey Jude
25% Yellow Submarine
17% Let It Be
8% Yesterday
8% Here Comes the Sun
7% Help

94% Hunting picture
33% Dog
29% Gun
16% Hunt
9% Camouflage
7% Grass

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Ending 1 = Good ending
  1. Human + Island = Beach and Cliffs and Forest
  2. Human + Forest = Bushes and Game and Tree
  3. Human + Cliffs = Cave and Stone
  4. Human + Tree = Leaves and Stick
  5. Leaves + Stick = Shelter
  6. Stone + Stone = Spark
  7. Leaves + Spark = Bonfire
  8. Leaves + Bonfire = Smoke
  9. Human + Map = Hidden Treasure
  10. Human + Hidden Treasure = Compass and Gold and Spyglass
  11. Human + Spyglass = Black Sail and White Sail
  12. Smoke + White Sail = Merchants
  13. Human + Merchants = Salvation

Good Ending: You are rescued by merchants and keep all your riches
Ending 2 = The pirates abandon you on the island.
  1. Human + Island = Beach and Cliffs and Forest
  2. Human + Forest = Bushes and Game and Tree
  3. Human + Cliffs = Cave and Stone
  4. Human + Tree = Leaves and Stick
  5. Leaves + Stick = Shelter
  6. Stone + Stone = Spark
  7. Leaves + Spark = Bonfire
  8. Leaves + Bonfire = Smoke
  9. Human + Map = Hidden Treasure
  10. Human + Hidden Treasure = Compass and Gold and Spyglass
  11. Human + Spyglass = Black Sail and White Sail
  12. Smoke + Blacksail = Pirates
  13. Gold + Pirates = Torture

Ending 3 = You are killed by pirates.
  1. Human + Island = Beach and Cliffs and Forest
  2. Human + Forest = Bushes and Game and Tree
  3. Human + Cliffs = Cave and Stone
  4. Human + Tree = Leaves and Stick
  5. Leaves + Stick = Shelter
  6. Stone + Stone = Spark
  7. Leaves + Spark = Bonfire
  8. Leaves + Bonfire = Smoke
  9. Human + Map = Hidden Treasure
  10. Human + Hidden Treasure = Compass and Gold and Spyglass
  11. Human + Spyglass = Black Sail and White Sail
  12. Smoke + Blacksail = Pirates
  13. Human + Pirates = Death
Other Combos
  1. Human + Sea = Water
  2. Sun + Water = Salt
  3. Beach + Human = Oysters and Palm Tree and Sand
  4. Sand + Water = Clay
  5. Clay + Sun = Bricks
  6. Human + Bushes = Berries and Leaves
  7. Human + Palm Tree = Coconut and Liana
  8. Stone + Stick = Hammer
  9. Stone + Hammer = Flintstone
  10. Flintstone + Stick = Axe
  11. Axe + Tree = Wood
  12. Axe + Stick = Spear
  13. Game + Spear = Carcass
  14. Axe + Carcass = Meat and Skin
  15. Meat + Salt = Jerky
  16. Carcass + Knife = Sinew and Meat and Skin
  17. Clay + Bonfire = Pottery
  18. Carcass + Flintstone = Bones and Meat
  19. Sea + Spear = Fish
  20. Sinew + Sinew = Rope
  21. Rope + Stick = Bow and Fishing Rod
  22. Human + Skin = Clothes
  23. Bonfire + Wood = Ash and Coal and Bonfire
  24. Bonfire + Meat = Steak
  25. Bricks + Bricks = Walls
  26. Bones + Rope = Needle and Thread
  27. Needle and Thread + Skin = Canvas
  28. Canvas + Stick = Sail
  29. Forest + Rope = Snare
  30. Rope + Wood = Raft
  31. Raft + Sail = Sailing Raft
  32. Raft + Sea = Storm
  33. Sailing Raft + Sea = Calm
  34. Shelter + Walls = Hut

Zakończenie pierwsze: Dobre zakończenie

  1. Człowiek + Wyspa = Plaża + Klif + Las
  2. Człowiek + Las = Krzewy + Zwierzyna + Drzewo
  3. Człowiek + Klif = Jaskinia + Kamień
  4. Człowiek + Drzewo = Liście + Kij
  5. Liście + Kij = Schronienie
  6. Kamień + Kamień = Iskra
  7. Liście + Iskra = Ognisko
  8. Ognisko + Liście = Dym
  9. Człowiek + Mapa = Ukryty skarb
  10. Ukryty skarb + Człowiek = Kompas + Złoto + Luneta
  11. Człowiek + Luneta = Czarna bandera + Biały żagiel
  12. Dym + Biały żagiel = Handlarze
  13. Człowiek + Handlarze = Zbawienie
Dobre zakończenie: Zostajesz uratowany przez handlarzy i zachowujesz wszystkie bogactwa.

Zakończenie drugie: Piraci zostawiają cię na wyspie

  1. Człowiek + Wyspa = Plaża + Klif + Las
  2. Człowiek + Las = Krzewy + Zwierzyna + Drzewo
  3. Człowiek + Klif = Jaskinia + Kamień
  4. Człowiek + Drzewo = Liście + Kij
  5. Liście + Kij = Schronienie
  6. Kamień + Kamień = Iskra
  7. Liście + Iskra = Ognisko
  8. Ognisko + Liście = Dym
  9. Człowiek + Mapa = Ukryty skarb
  10. Ukryty skarb + Człowiek = Kompas + Złoto + Luneta
  11. Człowiek + Luneta = Czarna bandera + Biały żagiel
  12. Dym + Czarna bandera = Piraci
  13. Złoto + Piraci = Tortury
Zakończenie trzecie: Zostajesz zabity przez piratów.
  1. Człowiek + Wyspa = Plaża + Klif + Las
  2. Człowiek + Las = Krzewy + Zwierzyna + Drzewo
  3. Człowiek + Klif = Jaskinia + Kamień
  4. Człowiek + Drzewo = Liście + Kij
  5. Liście + Kij = Schronienie
  6. Kamień + Kamień = Iskra
  7. Liście + Iskra = Ognisko
  8. Ognisko + Liście = Dym
  9. Człowiek + Mapa = Ukryty skarb
  10. Ukryty skarb + Człowiek = Kompas + Złoto + Luneta
  11. Człowiek + Luneta = Czarna bandera + Biały żagiel
  12. Dym + Czarna bandera = Piraci
  13. Piraci + człowiek = Śmierć
  1. Człowiek + Morze = Woda
  2. Słońce + Woda = Sól
  3. Plaża + Człowiek = Ostrygi + Palma + Piasek
  4. Piasek + Woda = Glina
  5. Glina + Słońce = Cegły
  6. Krzewy + Człowiek = Jagody + Liście
  7. Człowiek + Palma = Kokos + Liana
  8. Kij + Kamień = Młot
  9. Młot + Kamień = Krzemień
  10. Krzemień + Kij = Topór
  11. Topór + Drzewo = Drewno
  12. Topór + Kij = Włócznia
  13. Włocznia + Zwierzyna = Padlina
  14. Topór + Padlina = Mięso + Skóra
  15. Mięso + Sól = Suszone mięso
  16. Pgadlina + Nóż = Mięso + Ścięgno + Skóra
  17. Glina + Ognisko = Garncarstwo
  18. Padlina + Krzemień = Kości + Mięso
  19. Morze + Włócznia = Ryba
  20. Liana + Liana = Lina
  21. Lina + Kij = Łuk + Wędka
  22. Człowiek + Skóra = Ubrania
  23. Ognisko + Drewno = Popiół + Węgiel + Ognisko
  24. Ognisko + Mięso = Stek
  25. Cegły + Cegły = Mury
  26. Kości + Lina = Igła i nitka
  27. Igła i nitka + Skóra = Płótno
  28. Płótno + Kij = Żagiel
  29. Las + Lina = Sidła
  30. Lina + Drewno = Tratwa
  31. Tratwa + Żagiel = Tratwa żeglowa
  32. Tratwa + Morze = Burza
  33. Tratwa żeglowa + Morze = Spokój
  34. Schronienie + Mury = Chatka